Noah Curlee married 2 February 1879 in Union County NC, Fetna Jane Little, who was born 28 October 1858, the daughter of Joseph Knox Little and Jennette Deas. Fetna Jane died 28 January 1949 and is buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Union County NC.
Eight children were born to Noah and Fetna Jane:
1. Saphronia Mae Curlee , my grandmother, was born 1880 and died in 1934. She was married to Mallie Devotion Hill, my grandfather
2. Lonnie Curlee: 1881-1884
3. James Thomas Curlee: 1887-1946 married Ollie E Carten
4. Susan Janet Curlee: 1890-1960 married Charles Turner
5. William Robert Curlee: 1892-1971 married Glennie M Mitchum
6. Robert C Curlee: born abt 1892
7. Seaborn Curlee: 1895-1984 married Mary Lily Smith
8. Margaret Odessa Curlee: 1898-1966 married (1) Lonnie Clyde Moore and (2) James Clingman Griffin
Noah and Fetna Jane lived in New Salem, Union County, NC until his death 26 February 1933 at the age of 76. He died of bronchial pneumonia. He was buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery in Union County NC.
This family also matches with the brother of Clayborn Curlee.